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We Believe

We believe the Bible is God’s inspired Word. It contains within its pages, the revelation of who He is, WHO WE ARE, and how we can know and relate to Him. As such, it is our guidebook as we seek to live for Him. We believe the power to put that Word into practice and be transformed into the character of Jesus Christ comes from the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives.

As Christians, we believe Jesus is our Lord and God’s Son, come in human flesh. We believe Jesus came to pay for our sins, mistakes, and failures and to graciously remove their penalty from our lives through His death, burial and resurrection which we share in through baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We trust only in Jesus atoning death and resurrection from the dead to deliver us from sin and death and restore our relationship with the Father. We believe in his promise to “be with us always,” and we await His victorious and glorious return.

Our congregation is independent. This means it has no national, or regional governing boards. Instead, we are led by a group of spiritual leaders called Elders or Shepherds. With their eyes fixed upon Jesus as our Lord, and the only true Head of the Church, they lead and care for the congregation. At the same time we do identify ourselves with a brotherhood of congregations known as “Christian Churches/Churches of Christ”.

We are committed to being a congregation where people are simply called Christians, thereby identifying with Christ and joining with Christians everywhere as we labour to do the work that Christ has given us. We have no book but the Bible, no head but Christ, no plea but the Gospel!

It’s a busy, isolating world we live in today, so we are also committed to being a community church and a church community. We want to connect with, get to know, and serve the people around us. We also want to be a place of meaning, acceptance and connection with each other as we seek to grow in faith and obedience to Christ.

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